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Humans are House Plants.

If you really know me you know that since I got home last March I have been really into plants. My room is practically a jungle at this point thanks to my friends at Milmont, most would say its getting out of hand, but I would say I’m just getting started. At first I thought it was just hobby, but then looking back over the past year I realized the Lord has been teaching me through my plants more than anything else. That may sound ridiculous but indulge me for a few minutes.

Lesson #1 - Humans are Really Just House Plants.

My sister was talking to me about how she hates indoor plants because they are so “high maintenance” each needing their own specific amount of water, fertilizer, light and so on, compared to an outside garden where you just throw some water on them each day and they figure out how to survive under the conditions. That’s when I realized, us as humans, we are house plants. Don’t get offended, it’s just true. We need all kinds of things to survive physically and emotionally. And from there I realized how sweet and nurturing the King of the universe is, because I may be a philodendron, while you might be a succulent, but the Lord makes sure to provide for us the specific things we require. I love how the Lord is intentional in that way, he doesn’t teach us all in the same ways, or provide for us all exactly the same, but instead knows exactly what we need, and when and how much.

Lesson #2 - He Wants to Water Us.

When I am spending a morning propagating, repotting, rearranging, pruning, watering, or whatever it may be, I am full of joy to be able to take care of my plants. I think it is similar for the Father. He delights in taking care of us. “He tends his flock like a shepherd. He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.” Isaiah 40:11. He holds us close to his heart because he loves us and wants to care for us, not because he feels it is an obligation. He buries his hands in our dirty soil and helps to prune and refresh us each day. What a cool and personal God we serve.

Lesson #3 - Cut Off Those Dead Leaves They Look Gross Anyways.

This might be the biggest lesson for me. I saw this quote on Instagram a few weeks ago and wow did it sting. “You don’t want the plant to waste energy holding on to a leaf it cannot save. So why should you.” This is so true yet so hard to execute. When my plants have some yellow or brown leaves I clip them off so that my plant can then redirect it’s energy into growing new leaves instead of desperately trying to revitalize the leaf that is holding it back. In our lives that can look like a lot of different things. Cutting off old relationships that are not helping you to grow anymore. Cutting off bad habits that hold you back from experiencing new things. Cutting out things that influence you in the wrong direction. It could be anything, but I think often times in my own life I try so hard not to let the Lord prune me because those are the things that are most familiar or comfortable, but I know that when I do allow the pruning to happen I gain a sense of relief. I no longer am straining to hold onto those things that were ultimately hurting me, but instead can start to gain new experiences or relationships that can create new growth I was being held back from.

All in all humans are basically house plants, he really does want to water you, and it’s time to cut off the dead leaves cause they look gross anyways. Thanks Jesus for teaching us so much even through the little things and thanks for Milmont. Go get yourself an over priced little house plant, she just might have some lessons buried in her soil for you.

also how cute is this sticker, look up @homebyfaith on insta if you want one!

1 Comment

Apr 16, 2021

Amen sister! Here’s to healthy roots and open hearts that allow good drainage! 😆🌱


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