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Soul Detox

Last week I spent most of my time outside. Planting, repotting, sowing seeds, pruning, watering, weeding. Feeling the dirt under my toes, watching the water glisten and drip from the leaves of the recently watered plants, listening to the birds sing, and smelling the freshly soaked ground.

I could feel His creation healing me.

Healing my weary soul that ached of exhaustion and loneliness as I continue to learn how to walk out this journey of being a foreigner in a foreign land. I could feel the weight of my anxieties lift as I allowed for the soil and the beauty of his creation to grow new life in my soul.

As I continued to work I heard the words in my head over and over from the sermon my uncle preached last week, where he said that when we spend time in nature, we are more able to see the nature of God. The more I thought about it the more I realized of course that’s why I love being in the midst of His creation so much. I can see and feel Him as I admire and enjoy the beautiful things he has placed on the earth, all of which coexist in a perfectly designed ecosystem. And just like my face lights up when I see a new leaf appear on one of my beloved little plants I can also feel the Lord near, cheering me on and smiling down on me, as I work to grow, and as He waters and prunes me.

This past week I felt the most weary and lonely I have ever felt since coming Thailand, but I also felt the Lord healing me and being near to me in a way I never have. I was healing with my hands and my toes in the dirt.

1 comentário

19 de jul. de 2023

I feel so much the same Rissa. When I’m in the wood picking ferns, the quiet feels like God. 🌿❤️


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