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Winding Journey

A couple weekends ago I drove up the mountain for a little adventure in a nearby province called Chiang Rai and first let me say it was the exact soul refresher I needed. Feeling the cool mountain air pour through the cracks of my windows as I drove and admired the gorgeous tropical farm land surrounding me made me feel so full.

After I got back I couldn’t stop thinking about my drive up. The road was windy, trailing up and down and along the side of the large mountain. Places where you could get a peak of what was on the other side or where if you looked back, could see what you left behind. Other points where you couldn’t see anything but the trees on your side, and a little road ahead of you. I began to think how this trip really represented my life.

Oftentimes we wish there was a road that would just go directly from the bottom of the mountain to the top, that would save us time or spare us from difficult road, but think about how dull of a journey that would be. You would never get to look over the valleys of your life that the Lord delieverd you from. Never have the moments where you are truly faith dependent when you can’t see what’s up ahead. Never experience the extreme joy that comes from getting to the top after a “winding” journey.

This journey really helped me to see how significant the lows and the plateaus of the journey really are, how important seasons of transition are, and how we miss out on a lot if we are only focused on getting to the top. The more I’ve been able to look at these “in-between” seasons as valuable and not just time to push through until the next thing, the more I’ve been able to experience true contentment.

All that to say… Allow yourself to sit on the plateau of the mountain. Not being stagnant, but instead in a state of hopeful expectance. Allow that time that feels mundane or confusing, to be a time of preparation and let the Lord show you what he wants to be teaching you in that season. The mountain top is coming, but there is plenty to see on the way up! Don’t miss it!

1 Comment

Aug 15, 2023

Love you Rissa. God continues to have you eating from the Tree of Life. I pray for a steady diet of God's wisdom and abundance of His Life for you. Pastor Bruce


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